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Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)

Made in one week by me!

Use Up to accelerate, Left and Right to steer, and Spacebar to nitro.

Yes, there's some kind of weird bug where the trucks start facing upwards and won't fall down. If you have any idea what might be causing this, please ping me on Twitter.

References (17)

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    Response: John Kuhn Jersey
    If you adore football, you probably have a favorite team from the National Football League or two and have a list of players who like to have observed.
  • Response
    NFL is truly 1 of the greatest sports in America. It has a main following.
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    Response: UgBHZILj
    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
  • Response
    Wonderful Webpage, Stick to the good job. Thanks a ton!
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    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Response: business news
    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Response: kids party games
    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
  • Response
    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Response: go to the website
    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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    Response: free games
    Graham Jans - Game Designer - Games - Super Offroad Remake (1-week game)
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